While writing the book the author was interviewed by the New York Times, bBoston/b Globe, bBostom/b Herald, Chicago Times and othe notable media outlets. To schedule an interview or event, contact Cyrus A. Webb at 601.896.5616 or via email cawebb4@juno.com. ... Marquise Hill left no will to dispose of his bestate/b upon his passing, which left the door wide open for the unpleasantness and opportunism that often surface when a considerable sum of money is involved. ...
Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs, along with Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch, Islamic scholar Dr. Andrew bBostom/b and David Horowitz, sponsored an evening with Dutch MP Geert Wilders. Wilders? short film, Fitna, begins by intermingling b.../b At the ?standing room only? event at the Omni Shoreham bHotel/b Friday evening, hundreds gathered to hear Wilders speak and to see the film that has stirred up the controversy. (According to Geller?s information, there were 500 people and many b.../b
They also say that two Turkish citizens at the Oberoi bhotel/b were "released because they were Muslims". Andrew bBostom/b: "The Legacy of Jihad in India". You are invited to DONATE to Zaka to help them perform their unique task: b.../b